Depression Self Help Tool

Thought Record
Thought records are versatile tools in CBT, facilitating the exploration of thought-feeling-behavior connections and challenging irrational thoughts. This version provides ample space for clients to document their thoughts, emotions, and actions. Additional guidance on using thought records effectively is available in CBT treatment guides. Read More
Schedule for Behavioral Activation
Behavioral activation is a valuable intervention for clients dealing with depression. This worksheet assists clients in identifying positive activities and creating a weekly schedule to replace negative behaviors. Collaborative efforts with clients can help address potential challenges and ensure a realistic and manageable plan. Read More
Postpartum Depression Info Sheet
Parents dealing with postpartum depression face unique challenges, including overwhelming emotions and guilt. The Postpartum Depression Info Sheet educates parents and families about the condition, its signs, risk factors, and treatments. This information aims to normalize postpartum depression, enhance diagnosis comprehension, and lay a foundation for treatment. Read More
Automatic Thoughts
This CBT worksheet teaches clients to recognize and challenge automatic thoughts, which can be irrational and harmful. It emphasizes how thoughts influence feelings and offers a goal to identify and replace negative automatic thoughts with rational ones for improved mood. Read More
Schedule for Behavioral Activation
Behavioral activation is an effective intervention for depression. This worksheet aids clients in replacing negative behaviors with positive activities and creating a realistic weekly schedule. Collaboration with clients can help address potential challenges and ensure a manageable plan. Read More
Building Happiness Exercises
Happiness requires ongoing effort. The Building Happiness (Exercises) worksheet presents activities, such as gratitude, kindness, exercise, meditation, journaling, and nurturing relationships, known to foster sustained happiness. Discuss and practice these exercises in sessions, encouraging daily practice for lasting results. Read More
Cognitive Distortions
This CBT worksheet educates clients about cognitive distortions, irrational thoughts that impact emotions. It highlights specific distortions like magnification and minimization, encouraging recognition and awareness of these thought patterns that can be harmful. Read More
Coping Skills: Depression
Coping skills can effectively alleviate depression symptoms and enhance well-being. The Coping Skills: Depression worksheet outlines four research-backed techniques: behavioral activation, social support, positive journaling, and mindfulness. It's advisable to practice these strategies in sessions, strategize their application, and create a home practice plan. This handout serves as a helpful reminder of each technique for clients. Read More
Countering Negative Thoughts Log
Thought logs are valuable in CBT to recognize and challenge irrational beliefs. This thought log includes negative thoughts and rational counter-statements, helping clients explore various perspectives on situations and their impact on emotions. In-session practice with real-life examples can be particularly beneficial for clients. Read More
Cognitive Restructuring: Decatastrophizing
Cognitive distortions, like catastrophizing, can negatively affect emotions. The Cognitive Restructuring: Decatastrophizing CBT worksheet guides clients to examine their thoughts for irrational thinking, helping them understand and correct these distortions through CBT techniques. It's a valuable tool for promoting healthier thought patterns. Read More
Gratitude Journal
The Gratitude Journal: Three Good Things worksheet encourages gratitude practice by prompting clients to record three positive aspects of their day for a week. It serves as a helpful starting point for gratitude journaling, with the goal of continuing the exercise independently afterward. Gratitude has been shown to boost positive emotions and well-being. Read More
Positive Journal
The Positive Journal worksheet encourages daily journaling about positive experiences to enhance mood. Clients are prompted to write three brief entries each day, no matter how simple, to foster a habit of recognizing and appreciating positive moments. It's a helpful tool for clients struggling to find positivity in their lives or looking to begin journaling as a therapeutic practice. Read More
Sleep Diary
A Sleep Diary is a vital tool for tracking sleep patterns and identifying factors contributing to sleep disturbances, especially in those with mental illnesses. This comprehensive worksheet includes sections for bedtime habits, sleep-interfering substances, and the effects of sleep. It's designed to be completed both in the morning and before bedtime for at least one week, preferably 2-3 weeks, to provide a thorough sleep log for analysis. Read More
Sleep Hygiene Handout
Quality sleep is crucial for well-being, with consequences of poor sleep affecting cognitive function, memory, accidents, stress, and health. The Sleep Hygiene handout offers research-based tips for improving sleep, such as maintaining a regular sleep schedule, limiting caffeine to mornings, and following a healthy diet. It's important to tailor these recommendations to individual clients' needs and introduce them gradually to avoid overwhelming clients. Regular follow-ups can reinforce the practice of consistent sleep hygiene. Read More
Thought Record
Thought records are versatile tools in CBT, helping clients recognize and challenge irrational thoughts. This thought record provides ample space for clients to document their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, serving as a foundational tool in cognitive restructuring. Additional guidance on effective use can be found in CBT treatment guides. Read More