Mental Health Blogs

The Role of Mental Health Professionals in Performance Sports: Enhancing Outcomes Through Psychological Support

Mental health professionals play a crucial role in sports, enhancing performance by improving resilience, focus, injury recovery, and team dynamics. Their involvement leads to significantly better outcomes for athletes.

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કાળા જાદુ પર લાગશે રોક: વિધાનસભા ગૃહ માં અંધશ્રદ્ધા વિરોધી બિલ સર્વાનુમતે પસાર.

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Understanding Delusional Disorder: A Simple Guide

Delusional disorder is characterized by strong, false beliefs despite evidence to the contrary. Common types include persecutory, grandiose, and jealous delusions, each affecting daily life and relationships. Real-life examples show how these delusions can lead to social isolation, altered routines, and strained relationships, emphasizing the need for early intervention and treatment.

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"Is Your Child Addicted to Screens? Take Action Now to Protect Their Brain Development"

The article explores Screen Dependency Disorders (SDD) in children, highlighting the neurological impacts of excessive screen time. It discusses the addiction-like behaviors associated with SDD, the underlying neurobiological mechanisms, and the importance of preventive strategies to protect children's brain development.

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Addressing the Mental Health Crisis Among Medical Students in India: A Comprehensive Approach

The National Task Force report on medical students' mental health 2024 reveals alarming statistics: 27.8% of undergraduates and 15.3% of postgraduates report diagnosed mental health disorders, with 16.2% and 31.2% experiencing suicidal thoughts, respectively. The report highlights urgent need for systemic changes to address these crises within India's medical education system.

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This Free App Can Make Your Emotions Work for You, and Not Against You

The “How We Feel” app empowers users to track and understand their emotions, offering personalized insights and contributing to valuable public health research. Available on both the Play Store and App Store.

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અમદાવાદ: ગુજરાત સરકારે ગેરકાયદેસર તાંત્રિક પ્રવૃતિઓ, કાળો જાદુ અને અઘોરી વિધિઓને રોકવા માટે કાયદો લાવવાનો નિર્ણય

કાળો જાદુ અને અઘોરી પ્રથાઓ જેવી અમાનવીય પ્રવૃતિઓને રોકવા માટેનો કાયદો

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Economic Survey 2023/24: Mental Health as a National Priority

The Economic Survey 2023-24 highlights that 10.6% of Indian adults suffer from mental disorders. It emphasizes the economic impact, government initiatives, and policy recommendations to improve mental health care.

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Counselling,CBT and Psychotherapy: Senior Psychiatrist Explains

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Screen Time Guidelines for Parents: A Comprehensive Overview

Parents, let's prioritize our children's health by ensuring balanced screen time, promoting physical activity, and encouraging meaningful interactions. Together, we can foster their holistic development.

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Addressing Physician Burnout: A Call to Action for Indian Healthcare Professionals

Physician burnout affects us all. On this Doctor’s Day, let’s focus on awareness, prevention, and systemic change. Ensure your well-being to continue delivering the best care.

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FDA Approves First Treatment for Postpartum Depression: Brexanolone

In a groundbreaking development for maternal mental health, the FDA has approved Brexanolone (Zulresso), the first medication specifically designed to treat postpartum depression (PPD). This approval marks a significant advancement in addressing a condition that affects many new mothers, providing a new avenue of hope and recovery.

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U.S. Surgeon General's Advisory on Impact of Social Media on Youth Mental Health

How does social media impact youth mental health? This 2023 U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory, a vital authority on public health, uncovers its benefits and significant risks, urging immediate and informed action.

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Virtual Autism: Understanding the Impact of Gadget Exposure on Child Development

Excessive screen time in children can lead to virtual autism, displaying autism-like symptoms such as delayed speech and social withdrawal, highlighting the importance of balanced screen exposure and interactive real-world activities.

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Exploring the Father Child Activation Relationship: A New Theory for Infant Mental Health

Discover the groundbreaking "Father-Child Activation Relationship" theory this Father’s Day—how dads uniquely nurture independence and resilience in children through adventurous play and emotional support.

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Sildenafil (Viagra): A Potential Game Changer for Dementia Prevention

Discover how sildenafil (Viagra) might revolutionize dementia prevention by boosting brain blood flow, as recent Oxford studies suggest. Could this well-known medication be the key to better brain health?

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How to Make Your Child a Genius: Insights from the Polgar Experiment

Can genius be created through early and focused education? Learn how three sisters became world chess champions thanks to their father's unique teaching methods. Discover the secrets of the Polgar Experiment.

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Yoga and the Brain: How Ancient Practice Reduces Modern Stress

Yoga enhances mental health by promoting neuroplasticity, balancing neurotransmitters, and reducing stress hormones, supported by scientific research and its impact on brain function and emotional well-being.

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Exercise more Effective than Medicines for Mental Health ?

In a recent study published in The British Journal of Sports Medicine, highlights physical activity's significant benefits in reducing depression, anxiety, and psychological distress, often surpassing traditional treatments in effectiveness.

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The Digital Trap: The Impact of Internet Addiction on Teen Brains

A recent Global Mental Health study reveals how internet addiction alters adolescent brain connectivity, impairing cognitive control and emotional regulation, emphasizing the need for targeted interventions.

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Ecotherapy: Harnessing Nature for Mental Health

Ecotherapy leverages nature's therapeutic benefits to enhance mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression through activities like gardening, nature walks, and animal-assisted therapy, promoting overall well-being.

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The Mental Health Care Act, 2017: A Comprehensive Overview

The Mental Health Care Act, 2017, and its 2022 amendment aim to provide comprehensive, rights-based mental health care in India by ensuring accessible services, decriminalizing suicide, promoting community-based rehabilitation, and enhancing the efficiency and quality of mental health services through improved infrastructure and better coordination among stakeholders.

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Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is an under diagnosed mental health condition marked by emotional instability, impulsive behaviors, unstable relationships, and distorted self-image, often rooted in early life trauma and attachment issues; effective treatments include therapies like DBT, CBT, and psychodynamic approaches, with medications like mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, and antidepressants playing a supportive role in managing specific symptoms.

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Carl Rogers: The Architect of Humanistic Psychology

Carl Rogers, a pioneer of humanistic psychology, revolutionized therapy with his person-centered approach emphasizing empathy, unconditional positive regard, and authenticity, profoundly influencing psychotherapy, education, and personal growth.

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NIMHANS Honored with the Nelson Mandela Award for Health Promotion

NIMHANS received the 2024 Nelson Mandela Award for Health Promotion from WHO, highlighting its global leadership in mental health care. This recognition, along with its designation as a WHO Collaborating Centre, underscores NIMHANS' significant contributions to neuropsychiatric research and education.

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Hooking the Next Generation: How the Tobacco Industry Captures Young Customers

The WHO's 2024 report, details how the tobacco industry uses targeted product designs and pervasive marketing strategies to attract children and youth to nicotine addiction. It calls for stringent regulations and public awareness campaigns to counter these tactics and protect young people from the health risks of tobacco use.

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Ketamine Therapy in Psychiatry: An Overview

Ketamine is an innovative psychiatric treatment rapidly gaining attention for its effectiveness in managing treatment-resistant depression and other severe mental health conditions by modulating the brain's glutamate system​.

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Know About INDIA'S Free Mental Health Services : TELE MANAS

Tele-MANAS, an Indian government helpline offering 24/7 mental health support, counseling, and referrals, having received over 10 lakh calls since its launch. The initiative aims to enhance mental health accessibility, particularly in remote areas.

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PSYCHOTHERAPY : Understanding the Basics

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Building Resilience: Navigating Lifes Challenges with Strength

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Nurturing Mental Well being at Workplace: A Psychiatrist Perspective

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Benefits of Meditation for Mental Health

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What Foods to Eat For Better Mental Health ?

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The Importance of Self Care for Mental Health

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