About Dr. Arpit Jani

Dr. Arpit Jani is a distinguished professional in the fields of psychiatry, psychotherapy, and sexology. With extensive training and experience, he is known for his expertise in addressing mental health issues, providing therapeutic support, and offering specialized guidance in sexual health. Dr. Jani combines his deep understanding of psychological and emotional well-being with a compassionate approach, helping his patients navigate complex mental and sexual health challenges. His practice is marked by a commitment to personalized care, utilizing evidence-based techniques to promote overall mental wellness and healthy relationships.

We Provide Free Screening Tests

Your Health is Our Top Priority with Comprehensive, Affordable.


Clinic Services


Comprehensive, compassionate psychiatry treatment for all ages, promoting mental wellness.


Transformative psychotherapy: healing minds, fostering growth, and promoting emotional well-being.


Empathetic deaddiction treatment, guiding recovery from all forms of addiction.


Specialized care for psychosexual dysfunctions, restoring intimacy and holistic wellness.

Online Consultation

Confidential and accessible virtual consultations and therapy sessions for patients anywhere in India and Abroad, with free home delivery of medicines pan-India.


Our Patients Says About Us

Separated they live in. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country

About Dr.Arpit Jani

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