Am i crazy?
Maybe you feel like you’re spinning out of control. Maybe you feel detached from reality, or you’re seeing or hearing things that other people don’t. Maybe you just worry all the time even when you don’t need to, or feel depressed even when things seem to be going well.
There are lots of different ways to feel “crazy.” But they all have one thing in common: something doesn’t feel right.
All of these things are possible signs of a mental health condition. But people who have mental illnesses aren’t really “crazy.” You might be surprised to know how many people feel the same way you do. Some of them are probably people you know personally—they just haven’t opened up to you about it.
It’s okay to feel a little crazy. And it’s good to have a sense of humor about it. But sooner or later, you’ll probably want some real answers. But first, you’ll need to know the right questions to ask.
Where do I start?
When you’re trying to learn more about your mental health, one of the hardest things is just knowing where to start. You might not know what questions to ask, or what kind of information to look for. But you’ve come to the right place—this website is designed just for people like you, who are going through something but aren’t sure what to do next.
Here are a few questions you can ask yourself (or Google) to better understand what’s going on.
- What thoughts, feelings, and experiences are you having?
- Can you remember when it started? What was going on around that time?
- Has anyone in your family experienced something similar?
- Do you feel this way all the time, or does it come and go?
- Do you feel different from the people around you, like no one could possibly understand? Have you tried talking to your friends or family members about what you’re feeling?
- What kinds of behaviors go along with these feelings? Are you using lots of drugs or alcohol? Snapping at people? Staying in bed all day?
If you haven’t already, start by taking one of our mental health tests. Then keep exploring the links on this site to learn more about mental health.